List all antique and vintage surgical & medical equipment & instruments
3964: Mahogany Cased Homeopathic Set
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3969: Leather Cased Enema Syringe Set
4013: Decorative Ceramic Barber’s / Bleeding Bowl
4040: Period Safety Pin Tin (each)
4051: Lancet
2589: Vintage Drip Bottle and Tubing
4067: Map Reading / Navigation Set
4164: Vintage Wooden Gag
2708: Small Period Syringe
2770: Qty Soiled Dressing
2913: Fabric Medical Wrap - Dressed
4317: Metal Syringe Case With Syringe
4398: Vintage Ventolin / Beconase Rotohaler (each)
4483: Vintage Scalpel Set
4557: Large Vials (each)
4664: Blood Letting Lancet With Decorative Handle
4814: Period Electric Massager (NP)
4861: Wooden Handled Knife
4943: Acupuncture Model
3588: Pewter Bed Pan
3666: Glass Recepticle
3693: Antique Medicine Chest
5304: Small Wooden Handled Hammer
3800: Vintage Glass Atomiser
3945: Period Enamel Urinal
3950: Wooden Leg Splint
3959: Large Stainless Steel/Glass Syringe
3965: Leather Cased Homeopathic Set
3971: Wooden First Aid Box
4018: Pewter Powder Shaker
4041: Period Elastoplast Roll (each)
2488: Enamelled bucket with lid
4053: Period Steriliser
2603: Vintage crutches (priced per pair)
4073: Bottles In Wooden Case
2678: Lister Antiseptic Spray
4170: Pewter Self Enema
2716: Antique Medicine Chest
4271: Large Enamelled Funnel
4413: Vintage Breast Pump (each)
4515: Period Scissors
3208: Dr Nelsons Ceramic Inhaler
4558: Small Vials (each)
4665: Blood Letting Scarificator In Case
3527: Case Of Glass Vials
5058: Stainless Steel Syringe Case - empty (priced individually)
3591: Pewter Feeding Jug
5175: Period Stomach Pump Apparatus
5218: Brass Enema / Douche
3674: Glass Dropper Bottle
5268: Wet Cupping Set In Case
3762: Stainless Steel Tray
5305: Metal & Glass Period Syringe
3887: Small Instrument Case (priced separately)
3946: Glass Kidney Dish
3952: Large Glass Pipet Thermometer
3960: Maws Ceramic Inhaler
3966: Cased Set Of Cupping Glasses
3991: Enamel Feeding Cup
4004: Mobile Urine Test Kit
4022: Decorative Handled Picks
4043: Vintage Wooden ARP Medical Kit (dressed)
2492: Halo brace
4054: Vintage Straight Razor in Box
2625: Large brass syringe
4084: Hypodermic Needles In Metal Case
2687: Copper Bleeding Cup
4194: Set Of 9 Cupping Glasses In Wooden Tray
2734: Scissors
4296: Leather Case
2915: Period Stretcher
4359: Bigelow Litholapaxy Evacuation Apparatus
4469: Horn Beaker (each)
4581: Ventilator Bag
4837: Ceramic Feeding Cup
5060: Period Glass Dental Receptacle
3594: Small Pewter Feeding Jug
5176: Canvas Instrument Kit (contents may vary)
5219: Period Enema Tip
3675: Glass Bottle - Silver Lid
5272: Large Glass Brain Jar
3767: Period Sterelizer
5332: 1940’s X-Ray Machine
3941: Period Wooden Tray
3947: Stainless Steel Stereliser
3953: Mahogany Medicine Case
3962: Vintage Metal First Aid Kit
3967: Cased Embalming Syringe Set
3992: Ceramic Sterilizer
4006: Wooden Bleeding Bowl
4023: Small Brass Tweezers
4050: Pewter Enema Funnel
4055: Enamelware
2707: Period Syringe
4224: Period Elastoplast Tin (each)
2765: Wooden Bowl & Dabber
2911: Enamelware (Small/Medium)
4297: Medicine Bottles in Mahogany case
4316: Child Size Leather Brace
4397: Prescription Pad
3134: Stainless Steel Kidney Dish (each)
4481: Webbing Medical Satchel (each)
4547: Vials in Leather Case
4692: Large Tweezers
4860: Plastic Prop Knives (priced individually)
4911: Ebony Handled Scoop Instrument
3611: Boxwood Container
3664: Glass Powder Shaker
5223: Small Metal Steriliser
3689: Cupping Glasses In Stand
5273: Thermometer In Metal Case
3780: Framed Print
5333: Period WoodenX-Ray Head
3944: Enamel Funnel (small)
3949: Lister Steriliser
3957: Ceramic Urinal
3963: Tiered Metal First Aid Kit
133: Tourniquet
134: Enema Pump
142: Spectacle Case
144: Craniotomy Snuff Box
172: Soemnoforme Anaesthetic Mask
173: Chloroform Dropper Bottle
178: 18th Century Pewter Bed Pan
181: Sougy Medical Charts
184: Black Gladstone bag
187: Large amethyst drug jars
200: Green glass chemists rounds. 19th century
205: Large chemist bottles
213: Oak medicine chest 19th c
216: Ophthalmoscope and ent set 20th c
218: Phrenology head 19th c.
224: Selection of steam kettles
322: Rohmer switch, pair available
235: Antique breast pump, glass and laquered brass
249: Compact medicine chest 19th c
254: Group of optometers 19th c
255: Poison bottle
258: Adjustable retractor
259: Large clamp
260: Pewter bed pan 18th c
262: Trephine 19th c
271: Breast pump
280: Circulation chart
282: Chart of ear
284: Chart of heart and arteries
288: Lungs and veins chart
289: Lymphatic system chart
290: Muscles chart
291: Muscles chart German
292: Muscles chart German
293: Nervous system chart
296: Tapeworm chart
305: Dudgeons sphygmograph
307: Mackenzie polygraph
308: Spengler sphygmograph
325: Selection of 18th century medical items
330: Phrenology inkwell
331: Pewter enema syringe
332: Self administering enema
333: Cased pewter enema syringe
339: Large Sick Room Steam Kettle
340: Cyst remover
341: Duck bill speculum
342: Victorian file boxes
350: Large obstetric forceps
351: Selection of obstetric and gynaecology instruments
352: Pharmacy certificate 19th c
358: Twin bladed speculum
366: Cased homeopathic bottles
367: Cased syringe pump
370: Cupping glasses
372: Eyelid retractor
388: Homeopathic bottles
391: Break front medicine chest 19th c
395: Large obstetric forceps 18th/19th c
399: Mahogany medicine chest 19th c
426: four bladed vaginal speculum
427: obstetric perforator
428: boxwood vaginal speculum
434: Cupping set 19th c
435: Brass scarificator 19th c
439: 18th Century Tri-Blade Speculum
479: Glass leech jar
480: Glass leech jar
483: Stoppered bottles in plated containers
487: Expedition Medicine Chest.
489: Travelling Medicine Set
492: Suppository Mould
494: Ceramic Medicine Spoons
495: Medicine Bottles
497: Medicine Bottles
498: Laudenham Bottle
500: Large Selection of Glass Measures
501: Large Selection of Poison Bottles
502: Large Selection of Medicine Bottles.
503: Large Selection of Medicine Bottles.
504: Antiseptic Bottle
505: Large Selection of Medicine Spoons
509: Pocket Sputum Bottles
510: Pewter Gibson Medicine Spoon
511: Glass Urinal
513: Elegant French Bourdelou
522: Enema Syringe Set.
524: Mahogany Medicine Chest 19th C
525: Mahogany Medicine Chest 19th C
526: Early 19th C Medicine Chest
527: Top Opening Medicine Chest 19th C
528: Early 19th Century Medicine Chest
529: Mahogany Medicine Chest
530: Double Front Opening Medicine Chest
719: Baby Feeder Advertising Sign
720: Baby Feeder Advertising Sign
745: Consulting Room Film Set
754: Saddle Bags
755: 18th c Doctors Bag
756: Brown gladstone Bags
757: Brown Gladstone Bag
759: Scruffy Black Gladstone Bag
763: Brown Gladstone Bag
764: Gladstone Bag
765: Brown Gladstone Bag
766: Brown Gladstone Bag
825: Electric Shock Machine
828: Optician's Eye Testing Trial Lenses
832: Optometer
834: Amblyoscope,
841: Optometer
843: Ophthalmoscope
845: Electric Brush
846: Male Catheter Set
847: Catheters
848: Optician's Trial Lens Set
849: Surgeon's Amputation Set
857: Enema, French
858: Enema
859: Enema
872: Shock Machine
907: Phrenology Head
911: Antique Cautery Medical Set
914: Blue & White Ceramic Bed Pan
975: Ophthalmic Instrument
976: Electrostatic Massager
980: Binocular Optometer
981: Spirit Lamp
984: Glass Chemistry, Pharmacy Conical Measure
989: Antique Medical Test Stand
993: Vintage Medical Glassware
994: Vintage Sprit Lamps
997: Metal Test Tube Stand
1018: Antique Sick Room Vaporiser
1020: Sickroom, Steam & Carbolic Spray Producer
1069: Antique Acoustic Tea Drum
1071: Antique Ophthalmic Optometer
1072: Ophthalmological Instrument
1076: Antique Surgical Amputation Saws
1077: Antique Medical Pump With Pressure Gauge
1078: Antique George Young threshold Test For Glaucoma
1081: Antique Surgical Amputation Saws
1082: Antique Obstretic Craniotomy Forceps, Davis' Pattern
1083: Antique Surgical Instruments, Drill, Trepan Guillotine, Lenticular
1084: Antique Lewis-Mackenzie Pulse Recording Polygraph
1086: Antique Physician's Otoscope For Examining The Ear
1087: Antique Surgical Instrument
1088: Antique Medical Surgical Amputation Bow Saw, Dr Butcher's Pattern
1089: Antique Surgical Amputation Liston Knife
1090: Physicians Antique Pocket Medicine Cases
1091: Old Set Of Optician's Trial Lenses For Testing The Eyes
1092: Vintage Portable Physician's Diagnostic Set
1094: Antique Set Of Opthalmic Surgical Instruments
1095: Antique Liebreich's Ophthalmoscope, Eye Examination
1096: Vintage Portable Physician's Diagnostic Set
1100: Antique Pocket Apothecary Scales, Pharmacy Use
1101: Antique Portable Apothercary Scales
1102: Antique Pocket Apothecary Pharmacy Scales
1125: Antique Spectacle Cases
1127: Antique Pocket Cased Medical Injection Syringes
1130: Antique Pocket Surgeon's or Physician's Set
1132: Antique Hearing Trumpet, Hearing Aid
1142: Antique Cased Post Mortem Instruments
1143: Antique Enema Apparatus Set
1144: Antique Surgical Knife
1145: Medical Galvanic Coil c.1860
1146: Antique Cut Throat Razor
1150: Antique Breast Reliever
1151: Antique Scarificators For Bloodletting
1152: Vintage Cutthroat Razor In Case With Hone
1153: Antique Surgical Chain Amputation Saw
1154: Antique Leather Cased Bottles
1156: Antique Glass Bloodletting Cupping Glasses
1157: Antique Medical Enema Pump
1160: Antique Hand Cranked Blood Circulator Vibrator
1162: Antique Pewter Enema Syringe
1167: Antique Medical Syringe
1168: Antique Medical Cased Syringe InjectionSet
1169: Antique Sick Room Vaporiser Lamp
1176: Antique Hearing Trumpets
1177: Antique Physician's Examination Oil Lamp
1180: Antique Medical Syringe Set
1183: Early Metal Flask
1185: Antique Optometer For Prescribing Spectacles
1186: Antique Optometer For Prescribing Spectacles
1187: Antique Working Model Of The Human Eye
1188: Antique Pewter Pap Boats
1189: Antique Mudges Patent Pewter Inhaler
1190: Antique Pewter Jug
1200: Post Mortem Skull Coronet
1204: Antique Ceramic Invalid Feeder
1220: Antique Medicine Powder In Tin Case "Anti-Asthmatic William Powder"
1222: Antique, Pocket Set Of Lenses, For Use With An Opthalmoscope
1227: Antiquarian Book " A Course Of Operative Surgery" By Heath
1230: Antique Brass Enema Set In Mahogany Case
1231: Antique Dynamometer Measires Strength Of Grip
1338: Leech Jar
1347: Bed Pan
1348: Pewter Bleeding Bowl
1349: Boralou
1389: Medicine Spoons
1548: Hot water can
1609: Prosthetic legs
1659: Glass eye bath (priced individually)
1660: Ceramic eye bath
1698: Stoneware bed warmer
1699: Sterile instrument container
1835: Examination light
1836: Insufflator
1839: Insufflator
1925: Phrenology calipers
1926: Phrenology calipers
1927: Phrenology calipers
1928: Phrenology calipers
1929: Phrenology calipers
1933: Pewter Blood Letting Bowl
1939: Pewter bed pans
2092: Victorian Medicine Chest
2093: Period Medicine Chest
2285: Acupuncture Figure
2450: Copper Sterelizer
2458: Copper Sterelizer
2582: Vintage Tourniquet
2643: Vintage Walking Frame
2646: Vintage Ceramic Bedpan
2885: Period Metal Medical Kit - Dressed
2892: Veterinary Balling Gun
2914: Cased Homeopathic Set
2946: Hypodermic syringe
2947: Hypodermic syringe in case
3015: Medicine Measure In LeatherCase
3019: Syringe In Metal Case
3023: Small Enamelled Bowl (priced individually)
3027: Metal Case (priced individually)
3048: Anaesthetic Syringe Driver
3094: Syringe In Case
3151: Silver Folding Medicine Spoon
3152: Vintage Eye Ointment
3167: Leather Body Strap
3184: Period Spatula / Stirrer
3186: Wicker Body Trolley
3212: Enamel Jug
3215: Leather Bound Medical Case
3259: Period Medicine Box
3260: Period Medicine Chest
3261: Period Retractable & Real Syringe Srt
3262: Period Rubber Tourniquet With Clamp
3263: Indian Rubber Tube Tourniquet
3273: Antique Medicine Chest
3274: Leather Physician’s Case
3276: Period Syringe In Case
3277: Large Period Syringe In Case
3297: Vintage Enema In Leather Case
3313: Brown Doctors Bag
3363: Vintage Anaesthetic Pump
3369: Leather Ventilator Bag
3371: Vintage Rubber Ball Pump
3372: Vintage Ventilator Mask (priced individually)
3410: Leather Neck Brace
3411: Period Drip Stand
3427: Antique Tweezers
3429: Mahogany Box
3432: Large Stoneware Bowl / Basin
3487: Period Leg Brace / Caliper
3530: Vintage Hypodermic Needle Display Case
3534: Period Surgeon’s Head Light On Mannequin Head
3653: Silver Lancet Case and Lancets
3654: Pewter Ointment Syringe
3655: Pewter Mercury Syringe (urethral)
3998: Horn Handled Fleam
4000: Iron Enema Syringe
4162: Enamelled Slop Bucket With Strainer
4230: Armoured Vehicle First Aid Kit
4252: Ceramic Medicine Spoon
4253: Silver Folding Medicine Spoon
4254: Silver Decorative Medicine Spoon
4256: Thermometer and Decorative Metal Case
4304: Slipper Type Bedpan
4308: Vintage Ceramic Steteliser
4310: Period Wooden Crutches (Pair)
4350: Large Brass Embalming / Enema Syringe
4529: ECT Machine (Electro Convulsive Therapy)
4662: Personal Irrigator
4680: First Aid Medical Box
4682: 1940’s St John’s Ambulance First Aid Kit
4683: ARP Air Raid Precautions Home First Aid Case
4684: Period First Aid Kit
4685: ARP Air Raid Precaution First Aid Case
4706: Period Glass Breast Pump Cap
4707: Glass Dilater
4762: Small Period Enema Syringe / Irrigator
4779: Vintage Anaesthetic Pump Under Glass Dome
4823: Vintage Nurses 30 Second Pulse Timer
4901: Vintage Glass Urine Bottles (priced individually)
4907: Cambridge Portable Cardiograph (ECG)
5147: Period Autoclave Steriliser
5153: Early 20th Century Midwife’s Bag With Contents
5177: Steel Atomiser With Rubber Pump
5186: Selection Of Period Paperwork
5230: Cupping Set With Applicator
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