2622: Lens on brass handle
Add Prop
3547: Mesmeric Optical Apparatus
3632: Small Glass Lens (priced separately)
3757: Lens In Laboratory Stand
3974: Vintage Glass Cube On Wooden Stand
4094: Vintage Wooden Handled Loupe / Lens
2717: Large Vintage Projector / Magic Lantern
3784: Laboratory Lens Holder
4096: Vintage Wire Rimmed Spectacle Frames (priced individually)
4432: Centre Focus Magnifying Goggles
2744: True Mirror
3795: Vintage Zoetrope
4559: Stereo Viewer Slide (each)
4768: Box Of Magic Lantern Slides
2614: Lens on handle
3545: Mirrored Apparatus
3631: Large Glass Lens
3708: Lens on Tripod Stand
4068: Bone Magnifier / Loupe
4199: Shagreen Spectacles Case
5319: Lens Apparatus On Stand
142: Spectacle Case
143: Magic Lantern
147: Brass Kaleidoscope
212: Magic lantern 19th c.
216: Ophthalmoscope and ent set 20th c
228: Triple Lens Magnifier On Fluted Brass Stand
238: Bullseye Lens On Articulated Brass Stand
246: Large bulls eye lens on stand
247: Lens apparatus on stand
254: Group of optometers 19th c
250: Demonstration mirror
257: Prisms on stand, large selection available
372: Eyelid retractor
317: Combined lorgnette and ear trumpet
431: Praxinoscope theatre 19th c
432: Kinora viewer
462: Newtons spinning top
829: Stereo Card Viewer
831: Holmes Type Stereo Viewer
833: Stereoviewer
836: Stereoscope
838: Magic Lantern Slides
840: Stereoscope
842: Stereoscope
885: Camera Obscura
895: Manometric Flame Mirror
902: Brass Mounted Lens
978: Antique Tinplate Kaleidoscope
1022: Vintage Optical Bench Apparatus
1042: Vintage Opera Glasses
1074: Antique Optical Stand
1109: Antique Tin-Plate, French Magic Lantern (priced individually)
1112: Antique Optical Glass Prisms On Stand
1115: Antique Rotating Mirror
1122: Antique Prism On Brass Stand (priced individually)
1131: Old Optical Lens On Stand
1138: AQntique Convex Mirror On Stand
1184: Antique Optometer For Prescribing Spectacles
1185: Antique Optometer For Prescribing Spectacles
1186: Antique Optometer For Prescribing Spectacles
1187: Antique Working Model Of The Human Eye
1222: Antique, Pocket Set Of Lenses, For Use With An Opthalmoscope
1226: Antique Camera Lucida Drawing And Sketching Aid
1300: Adjustable Binoculars
1301: Optometer
1310: Demonstration eyes
1337: Projector
1341: Refracting Unit
1568: Large concave mirror
1606: Glass prism on stand
1677: Pince-nez with case
1680: Convex and concave mirrors
1684: Oscillating mirror
1691: Convex mirror
1692: Hand spectroscope
1714: Epidiascope
1830: Tall mirror on stand
1922: Crystal sphere
1923: Sunshine recorder
1924: Crystal sphere
2091: Optiscope / Magic Lantern / Projector
2246: Magic Lantern
2247: Periscope Apparatas
2316: Light Apparatus With Selectable Filters
2335: Prism on stand
2338: Glass prisms assorted
2474: Crookes Tube
2575: Double Lens on Stand
2576: Lens on Stand
2812: Vintage Spectacle Frames
2854: Lens On Metal Stand
3100: Adjustable Brass Objective Lens
3101: Lens In Bronze Stand
3201: Objective Lens (priced individually)
3422: Slide Projector
3488: Metal Soectacle Case
3503: Brass Specimen / Stamp Viewer
3504: Period Specimen Viewer
3505: Period Specimen Viewer
3506: Folding Jeweller’s Loupe
3514: Oprician’s Lens
3560: Small Glass Prisms (priced individually)
3561: Medium Glass Prisms (priced individually)
3647: Victorian Style Zoetrope
3648: Hand Magn ifier with Ebony and Amber Handle
3808: Mirrored Optical Instrument
3809: Lens Holder On Stand
3810: Period Handheld Optometer
3811: Period Handheld Eye Test
3812: Ebony Stereo Viewer
3829: Stereo Viewer
3830: Stereo Viewer
3836: Lens In Square Frame
3837: Square Lens On Stand
3975: Glass Sphere On Doughnut Lens Base
3986: Stack Of Beacon Lenses
4131: Lens In Adjustable Lens Stand
4238: Vintage Magic Lantern
4439: Periscope On Stand
4440: Periscope On Stand
4445: Periscope Cube
4446: Round Lenses In Frames (priced separately)
4613: Magic Lantern
4616: British Optical Association Crest On Board
4632: Kaleidoscope
4635: Light Filters With Vintage Stand
4657: Magic Lantern Kaleidoscope Slides (priced separately)
4659: Magic Lantern
4668: Victorian Style Praxinoscope
4817: Vintage Toy Magic Lantern
4818: Vintage Toy Magic Lantern
5008: Small Lens In Wooden Frame
5255: Prism On Brass Handle
© 2025 Film Medical Services Ltd