Lists all antiques scientific instruments and apparatus
Electrostatic Conductors
3665: Glass Container
Add Prop
3943: Ceramic Funnel (medium)
4004: Mobile Urine Test Kit
4391: Concave Hand Mirror
4765: Colliery Air Meter On Chain
4946: Test Tube On Vintage Stand
5202: Wooden Cased Weather Instrument Compendium
5303: Small Ceramic Measure
2363: Crookes tube on stand
3474: Large Molecular Model
3680: Educational Blackboard Compass
3958: Convex Hand Mirror
4061: Selection Of Small Crystals In Box
4401: Horseshoe Magnet
5203: Vintage Barograph
5317: Insulation Table (each)
3197: Tweezers - Bone
2679: Suspended Sphere Apparatas
3684: Large Physics Experiment
3974: Vintage Glass Cube On Wooden Stand
4476: Cube Shaped Molecular Model
4859: Prism On Tall Stand
5055: Large Vacuum Sphere
5205: Newton’s Cradle
5256: Laboratory Magnifying Lens
3687: Heliostat / Adjustable Mirror
3942: Ceramic Funnel (small)
5201: Hygrometer (wall hung)
5259: Barograph
2569: Mathematical String Model
2617: Long brass tweezers
136: HC-9 Encription Machine
129: Patented Measure
140: Twin Gyroscope
141: Otis King Calculator
143: Magic Lantern
147: Brass Kaleidoscope
180: Large Selection Of Natural History Charts
186: Pair of Coronelli globes
185: Large laboratory scales
198: Brass stick barometer 19th-20th century
204: Mahogany lab stand
199: Unusual globe clock, 19th century
212: Magic lantern 19th c.
322: Rohmer switch, pair available
238: Bullseye Lens On Articulated Brass Stand
240: Gas cannisters
245: Laboratory stand18th/19th c
246: Large bulls eye lens on stand
247: Lens apparatus on stand
256: Polariscope
250: Demonstration mirror
257: Prisms on stand, large selection available
264: Vacuum pump
272: Fuller cylindrical slide rule
307: Mackenzie polygraph
344: Kipps apparatus
346: Selection of laboratory equipment
348: Large spherical jar on stand
355: Spherical jar on stand
356: Spherical funnel
363: Air balance
364: Bottle with twin tubed stopper
365: Glass spirit burners
369: Dip circle
376: Hygrometer
377: Kipps apparatus with thistle stopper
382: Marble topped scales
383: Medium clear bottles
398: Paper compass rose
411: Crystal model
413: Crystal model
414: Crystal model
415: Crystal model
416: Crystal model
440: Bone sector 18/19th c
454: Brass and iron scales.
455: Brass weighing scales
456: Very large suspended beam scales.
458: Laboratory scales in glazed case
457: Brass weighing scales
516: Surveyors inclinometer
459: Scales on tripod stand in polished alloy.
801: Compass Dip Circle
823: Mercer Dial Depth Gauge
826: Electrical Experimental Stand
827: Drawing, Drafting Set
835: Laboratory Stand With Brass Plate
855: Dip Circle
867: Anemometer, Air Meter
872: Shock Machine
875: Model Of Force Pump
880: Spectroscope
895: Manometric Flame Mirror
901: Daniell's Hygrometer
977: Electrostatic Bells
978: Antique Tinplate Kaleidoscope
981: Spirit Lamp
983: Chemical Glass Round Flat Bottom Flask
985: Laboratory Vintage Test Tubes In Wood Rack
986: Antique Bunsen Burner Teclu's Star Burner
987: Old Bunsen Burner, Techlu's Pattern
988: Antique Bunsen Burner With Fishtail
990: Old Laboratory Gas Burner, Enamelled
991: Old Test Tubes In Wooden Rack
992: Antique Tiered Double Test Tube Rack
994: Vintage Sprit Lamps
997: Metal Test Tube Stand
998: Antique Demonstration Archimedes Screw
999: Cloud Chamber
1004: Antique Leyden Jars
1005: Antique Voltameter, Decomposition Of water By Electricity
1006: Antique Glass, Hydrostatic Communicating Vessel, Water Rises To The same Level
1007: Galileo's Thermometer, Galilean Thermometer
1008: Antique Chondrometer, Weighing & Evaluating Grain Yield
1021: Antique Glass Vacuum Vessel
1022: Vintage Optical Bench Apparatus
1023: Glass Flask On Wood Stand
1025: Antique Electrical Leyden Jar On Stand
1026: Antique Static Electricity Conductor On Insulated Stand
1027: Antique Parabolic Reflector
1029: Antique Static Electricity Conductor
1030: Antique Glass Vacuum Vessels
1031: Laboratory Retort Stand With Glass Flask
1033: Teltron Discharge Tube, Thermionic Valve Demonstration
1035: Large Electric Lightbulb
1036: Chemical, Laboratory Condenser
1037: Vintage Laboratory Apparatus
1039: Old Iron Retort Stand & Glass Flasks
1040: Old Glass Retorts Mounted On Iron Stand
1041: Old, Glass Kipps Gas Generator
1042: Vintage Opera Glasses
1043: Glass Laboratory, Chemistry Beaker 500ml
1045: Glass Laboratory Vessel
1046: Glass, Chemistry, Laboratory Gas Drying Vessel
1047: Glass Chemistry, Laboratory Vessel
1048: Laboratory Stand & Glassware
1052: Antique Cased Set Of Mineral & Geology Specimens
1074: Antique Optical Stand
1098: Antique Hero's Fountain, Near Perpetual Motion
1099: Old Brass Folding Stand In Case
1110: Antique Gyroscope On A Pivoted Arm
1112: Antique Optical Glass Prisms On Stand
1115: Antique Rotating Mirror
1118: Antique Pocket Set Of Cased Maximum And Minimum Thermometers, By Negrettii & Zambra
1119: Antique Pocket Set Of Gold Bullion And Coin Scales
1121: Antique Style Representation Of The Earth's Globe
1122: Antique Prism On Brass Stand (priced individually)
1126: Antique Glass Crystal Models Representing The Geometrical Properties Of Gems
1128: Antique Pocket Fowler's Circular Calculator Slide Rule
1129: Vinatge Otis King Cylindrical Slide Rule Calculator
1131: Old Optical Lens On Stand
1133: Antique Laboratory Stand For Electrostaic & Electrical Experiments
1134: Antique Daniell's Hygrometer
1138: AQntique Convex Mirror On Stand
1170: Antique Large Form Magnetic Compass
1174: Antique Style Crookes Electrical Discharge Tube
1178: Antique Thermometer On Stand
1182: Antique Compass In Folding Case
1184: Antique Optometer For Prescribing Spectacles
1198: Antique Crookes Discharge Tube
1199: Antique Style Twin Crookes Discharge Tube
1210: Antique Iron Dividers
1211: Antique Style Pocket Sundial
1225: Vintage Swing Arm Lever Balance
1226: Antique Camera Lucida Drawing And Sketching Aid
1228: Vintage Cooking Thermometer
1229: Ammoniaphone
1285: X - Ray Radial Dial Monitor
1286: Control Panel D44
1302: Prisms on brass stands
1304: Optic lens on stand
1305: Demonstration mirrors on wooden stands
1323: Cog Gear Model
1333: Brass compass dial on wooden plinth
1343: Metronome
1344: Electrostatic Drum Machine
1346: Copper distillation apparatus
1350: Geometrical Models
1351: Geometric Model
1375: Antique Scales
1381: Inclinometer
1421: Anemometer / wind speed indicator
1425: Gyroscope On Ornate Stand
1426: Gyroscope on plain stand
1427: Brass sundial
1436: Hourglass
1465: Newton's cradle
1554: Pair of parabolic reflectors
1555: Parabolic reflector
1556: Parabolic reflector
1557: Parabolic reflector
1558: Parabolic reflector
1560: Small parabolic reflector
1561: Small parabolic reflector
1682: Millisecond meter
1683: Precision potentiometer
1684: Oscillating mirror
1685: Thermometer in case
1696: Wilson cloud chamber
1831: Recording drum
1832: Recording drum
1838: Small brass gyroscope
1952: Antique Pyrometer
2005: Anemometer on tripod
2006: Pocket barometer
2007: Mercury column barometer
2008: Aneroid Barometer
2009: Incomplete aneroid barometer
2010: Aneroid Barometer
2013: Aneroid Barometer
2028: Sundial with compass
2071: Brass Dial On Stand
2072: Oscillating Mirror
2075: Vintage Pressure Apparatas
2082: Spectrometer
2083: Brass Spectrometer
2175: Molecular Model
2187: Twin Prism Apparatus
2198: Faraday Eggs (priced individually)
2200: Oscillating Mirror Apparatus
2419: String Model
2428: Copper Flask On Stand
2475: Glass Leyden Jar
2514: Dessicator on Stand
2516: Polariscope with a Marble Base
2517: Vacuum Pump
2570: Vacuum Sphere
2572: Small Phonic Collector
2577: Scientific Measuring Aparatas
2677: Tri Outlet Glass Flask
2778: Trepanning Lenticular
2781: Vintage Wooden Laboratory Stand
2837: Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)
2838: Medium Laboratory Scales
2840: Portable Geiger Counter
2841: Geiger Counter
2844: Graphical Recording Device
2845: Dipping Compass / Inclinometer
2846: Scope on Tripod Base
2847: Glass Cylinder With Twin Metal Outlet
2851: Rack Of Glass U-Tubes
2852: Laboratory Binocular Viewer
2853: Barometric Pressure Apparatas
2857: Laboratory Setup (stock photo)
2858: Bell Jar on Vacuum Plate
2859: Tall Glass Cylinder (priced individually)
2860: Laboratory Setup (stock photo)
2861: Laboratory Setup
2862: Retort Stand And Clamp - Cabriole Legs
2863: Metal Retort Stand & Clamp (priced individually)
2864: Clamp For Retort Stand
2865: Gas Tap
2866: Tripod (priced individually)
2867: Glass Vessel (priced individually)
2868: Glass Measuring Flask With Tap
2869: Glass Measuring Cylinder
2870: Medium Glass Funnel
2871: Conical Flask
2873: Conical Flask With Inlet
2874: Spherical Flask With Inlet
2875: Tripod Gauze
2876: Bunsen Burner with Rubber Tubing
2893: Small Brass Display Container (priced individually)
2960: Copper Funnel
3054: Wooden Retort Stand (priced individually)
3098: Dipping Compass / Inclinometer
3107: Small Molecular Model (priced individually)
3108: Medium Molecular Model (priced individually)
3110: Perforated Disk Acoustic Siren
3214: Hydrometer In Card Tube
3366: Air Pressure Measuring Apparatus
3427: Antique Tweezers
3628: Spectrometer / Spectroscope
3629: Spectrometer / Soectroscope
3700: Physics Apparatus
3749: Mobile Barograph
3828: Vintage Leather Instrument Case
3984: Scientific Apparatus
4100: Scientific Experiment
4233: 1950’s / 60’s Experimental Biology Monographs (each)
4588: Polariscope
4598: Geissler Tube Cross Vacuum Scale
4600: Philip Harris & Co Vacuum Pump
4609: Barograph
4610: Suspended Sphere Apparatus
4611: X-Ray Tube On Wooden Tripod
4626: Electrostatic Drum Machine
4627: Cased Hygrometer With Top Mount
4633: Hygrometer
4634: Hygrometer
4635: Light Filters With Vintage Stand
4639: Boyles Law Pressure / Temp / Volume Apparatus
4641: Pocket Weather Station
4642: Glass Cube Containing Bisecting String Model
4644: Aepinus Condenser
4645: Water Density Apparatus
4651: Leyden Jar On Wooden Base
4652: Glass Tube Apparatus
4654: Dip Circle (missing pointer)
4655: Adjustable Inclinable Surface Apparatus
4661: Optical Distortion Sheet In Frame
4667: Large Induction Coil
4675: 1960’s Molecular Model Kit
4689: Brass Phonic Collector
4710: Lens Measure (priced individually)
4815: Mathematical String Model
4893: Geometric Model
4894: Geometric Model
4897: Geometric Shape
4900: Metal Hourglass
4905: Brass & Glass Pump
4912: Lens Demonstration Apparatus
4913: Lens Demonstration Apparatus
4914: Pressure / Pump Demonstration Apparatus
4915: Light / Dark Revolving Cube Apparatus
5007: Crookes Tube On Stand
5008: Small Lens In Wooden Frame
5043: Dial Depth Gauge On Stand
5049: Scientific Apparatus
5050: Scientific Apparatus
5210: Cathode Ray Tube on Stand
5214: Crookes Radiometer (Light Mill)
5255: Prism On Brass Handle
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